The Bourne Ultimatum

I barely remember the previous two Bourne movies. I remember what it was about, but I don’t remember how it went exactly. What I do remember is, I liked it. That’s why when Bourne Ultimatum first released it trailer, I was super excited.

Bourne is looking for his real identity and trying to figure out what happened to him. And the people behind all this are trying their hardest to find him and kill him. It’s practically a chase between Bourne and ‘them’. They chased him and he chased them back. Pretty much that’s Bourne Ultimatum all about.

They have more of ‘Bourne kind’ chasing after Bourne himself, which makes the fights and the chase last longer. You know, when you send super agent trying to take out another super agent, it makes the fight and chase scene worth watching.

This is one kick ass movie, I tell ‘ya! The moves were quick and smooth. It doesn’t look like it was choreographed at all. When Jason Bourne was on a roll, no body can stop him. And the best part is, Jason Bourne made James Bond looked like a sissy!

What else can I say? This is a cool action movie. And I’m giving this one 4 out of 5 stars. Way to go Jason Bourne!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

What a fantastic movie but you really need to have seen the previous 2 to fully understand & appreciate the plot. Jason Bourne is searching for his identity and surviving many attempts on his life, because he holds the key to a number of high ranking individuals positions. This movie is the best in the trilogy, even though the other 2 are fantastic, as it answers all the questions with relentless pace and action. It is the must see movie of 2007 and completely wraps up the plot of the whole Bourne saga.

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