30 Days of Night

The last time I remember Josh Hartnett was a heart throb and a very good looking man. Either I grew out of it or age doesn’t really agree with him. Or perhaps it’s the snow. He’s not that yummy anymore. But then, that’s just me.

Anyway, he was one of the reasons why I wanted to watch this movie. Another one was because I have an obsession with vampires. I always think that vampires are cool. At least, the ones that I read about because I have yet seen any vampire movies that impresses me.

Let me start with the not-so-many good points for 30 Days of Nights. I love the fact that the vampires don’t speak English. They have this ancient-like language which matches with the fact that they do not come from any English spoken countries on the first place.

I also like it that David Slade wasn’t shy with the violence and the bloody scenes.

However, it brings me to the not-so-good points. Although I like it that it was violence and bloody, some of the scenes were unnecessarily too messy it almost doesn’t make sense anymore. I can’t help to think that they’re over doing it.

I get the feeling that whoever that involved with this movie making got no idea what so ever regarding the vampires itself, because they tried to make the vampires a modest bunch that worry about the fact that human might now that they actually exist. What on earth?! For centuries, vampires want to be known and to be feared!

The also made the vampires looked stupid and pathetic for a creature that has been living in this world for centuries. And what’s with that screeching sound that they keep on making? It was cool during the first two times, but after that it was just plain annoying.

There are so many things that I want to complaint about this movie, but I’m afraid that it might become a spoiler. But I can say this.. The starting of the movie was too slow and the ending was too dumb. It was like they tried too hard at the beginning of the movie and by the time it reached an hour and fifteen minutes, they got too tired and thought.. “Let just end it. I don’t care how, but just end it.”

As a result, it is another disappointing vampire movies. I give this one a 1.5 stars out of 5. Take that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw this movie.its a really good movie.
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