Transformers by Michael Bay

I was born in the 80’s and I took pride to be the generation that watches Transformers everyday. So, when I heard that they’re making the Transformers’ movie, I couldn’t contain myself. What took them so long is the first thing that came to mind.

The movie was grand, I give you that. Very! But I wish they would show a bit more of Megatron. I’m the kind of person whom treasure a good villain’s role in a movie, and to my disappointment, Megatron came out a too late and it kind of give people the impression that he’s not that big of deal anyway. I mean, he was supposed to be the biggest villain in Transformers, right? Then how come there’s so little of him in the movie? Another thing is, they sort of portrayed the good Autobots to be cute. Like when they’re hiding from the parents scene. Other than bumblebee, Transformers aren’t suppose to be cute!

There’s a lot of funny dialogues in this movie which wasn’t so bad if it’s not too much. I have nothing against funny lines but a little too much made this movie looked like a joke. Although, I did have a good laugh, but after that, it hit me that why is Transformers suppose to be funny again? I don’t remember laughing this much when I was watching the cartoon. So, pretty much the concept itself was ruined.

I’m hoping there would be a sequel since Starscream as always, flee. So, please, please, please let it be a sequel. Part of me was hoping also that Megatron somehow comes back because there’s just too little of him I almost feel like it’s a waste of a very good character. And I give Transformers, 3.5 stars out of 5.

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